Iclass Grapher (QMainWindow): I def _init_(self): QMainWindow._init_(self) tWindowTitle('Grapher') # Control buttons for the interface quit_button = QPushButton('Quit') quit_ (app.exit) graph_button = QPushButton('Graph') graph_(aph) # The display for the graph self.figure = Figure() self.display - FigureCanvas(self.figure) () # The layout of the interface widget = QWidget() tCentralWidget(widget) top_level_layout = QHBoxLayout() tLayout(top_level_layout) left_side_layout = QVBoxLayout() left_side_layout.addWidget (graph_button) left_side_layout.addStretch() left_side_layout.addWidget (quit_button) top_level_layout.addLayout(left_side_layout) top_level_layout.addWidget(self.display) ] def graph (self): self.draw() def draw(self, data): ()ĭef graph(self): self.draw() e def draw(self, data): () ax = _subplot(111) ax.plot(data) ax.set_title('Graph') ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') () if _name_ = ' _main_': app = QApplication() gui = Grapher gui.show() app. Regardless of the values chosen for the parameters, the plot should always be shown with axis ranges of x= and y= Sine Wave v Seve Amplitude: 1.000 Frequency: 1.000 Phase shift: 0.000 Extra credit: Make it so that the graph automatically redraws as you move the 3 sliders, so you can continuously see the effect of changing the amplitude/frequency/phase shift.

Phase shift: 0 to 1 It should also have a text box to enter the title of the plot shown, and a button that, when clicked, updates the graph.Create a GUI like the one shown below which plots a sine wave of the form A sin(27(7-6)) with the ranges on the parameter sliders as follows:
Conda install pyqt5 code#
Copy the code into a new file called sine-graph.py. Problem 3 Sine wave graph For this problem, refer to the provided file random_graph.py, which plots 10 random values on a graph. However, from within the CONDA environment I cannot install PyQt4 so the following python line in my program throws an error: from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore Note that under the python3 environment I have previously had PyQt working correctly on the Nano (albeit without using NUMBA) But from the python environment, it’s not clear how. For the remainder of this lab, you should build on this code, since it contains all of the boilerplate code that you'll need. For example with Linux Debian’s system package manager, use: sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 PyQt5 on Python 3 sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt4 PyQt4 on Python 3 sudo apt-get install python-qt4. For Windows, PyQt binary packages may be used.